Monday, May 3, 2010

What's that SMELL?!?!

We have received calls regarding four rotten egg like odor coming from bulk compost that had been deposited in their neighborhood.

Properly composted material has a distinctive but pleasant earthy smell.

The odors that we find offensive are ammonia, hydrogen sulphide, and those coming from volatile fatty acids.

Ammonia is generated by the buildup of nitrogen in an area of the compost that does not get enough air. This is called an anaerobic condition and is caused by the compost not being turned and aerated properly. At Aguinaga Green, we turn our compost every three days - both to eliminate this problem, and as well to assure complete composting and temperature increase to 132 degrees F within the pile (and hence elimination of all seeds and pathogens.)

Hydrogen sulphide is also caused by anaerobic (loss of oxygen) conditions and smells like rotten eggs. This is also eliminated with proper control of the compost material.

Volatile fatty acids are produced by microbial decomposition under anaerobic conditions, within the pile - also caused by improper control of compost.

Use only STA certified and approved sources such as Aguinaga Green, Inc for the compost you place around your home and family.

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